Monday, February 1, 2010

the natural food experience - start of a journey

Well, I've finally done it.  I changed my diet.  I've been thinking about it for a very long time - eating better to feel better.  I used to eat in a way similar to this and always felt great.  I have been doing this new food plan for a little over a week.  My plan was to do it for two weeks to do kind of a detox/cleanse, and continue based on how I felt - physically and mentally (mentally meaning my thoughts about it - if I'm not there mentally, then it's not going to work).

I have been eating organic fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, and organic free range poultry and wild caught fish.  Where able, I am buying locally.  Add to that one cup of coffee in the morning (not ready to give that up).  I am thereby avoiding the foods that bother my system - and that's the point of this: dairy, wheat, eggs, soy, grains and sugar.  Full disclosure here: I do have a little half-and-half in my coffee in the morning - need to find a suitable substitute that's not soy or chemicals.

This is the start of a journey.  My sister, Ann, is starting a raw and natural food company - Freshly Wild in Portland.  She and her business partner, Laurie, make incredible raw foods.  This process introduced me to the raw food world.  My hairdresser, Tadimdia at Tribe Hair Studio, eats a macrobiotic diet and has an incredible wealth of knowledge about natural food and the global food economy.  So fun to sit in her chair and talk about it all!  I've also learned alot by reading blogs, and news and recipes from raw chefs and raw foodies - the latest being Russell James, The Raw Chef.  Check him out - would love to take his class (Pesto & Caramelized Onion Pizza below)!  Just bought a dehydrator - can't wait to start using it!

So for now, I feel great, have more energy, no GI problems or arthritis symptoms, have lost weight and my mind is clear.  The change in food is affecting my sleep a bit - getting settled with that.  I believe it makes sense - I've removed foods that I've eaten my whole life - it's got to have an impact on my system.  When the two weeks is up, I'll assess what I might add or remove from my diet.

Look forward to blogging about this as I continue my journey...

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